I'm on an island. My world view is how Pokemon Black looks. The 2.5D environment is hard to navigate and I often find myself tilting my vision into awkward angles and being unable to recognize anything. I need to travel on a light rail system to reach my destination, but a centipede the exact size of the rail-cars is preventing anyone from riding the tram. I know that electricity will either slay the beast or at least cause it to vacate the rail system. Eventually I train a Pikachu to zap the beast, there is a small celebratory animation and I get on the train.
When I exit the tram my perspective changes and now I'm a character on LOST. My main objective is to keep a record of everyone's back story. Obviously the back stories are all connected in some way and I have to find all the connections to make sure everyone belongs on the island. The stories get more and more convoluted in order to connect to everyone. I eventually give up and go sunbathing. I'm confused why this tropical island, which should be a living hell of bugs, sand, malnutrition, and dirty ripped up cloths is actually similar to a beach resort. The thought quickly escapes my mind and I enjoy the hot tropical sun.
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